Monday, January 2, 2012

Introduction: Listing Your Way Through the Bible 2012

Many of us have read the bible cover to cover, and some of us have done it several times. We have used different editions and versions, we have followed one-year plans, and we have used chronological versions and study bibles. We have even tried Old and New Testament reading plans and plans that just go from the beginning to the end. Many of us may be looking for another way to deepen our interest in what we are reading and maybe something that will strengthen our understanding and help us to make more connections with what we are reading.

That's where this blog comes in. I have found a way that keeps me interested in what I am reading, and it affords me an opportunity to reflect on the current passage I am reading in a unique way. I have enjoyed doing this process, and I will share it with you in the hopes that you will also enjoy what you find.

There are many possible ways to do this plan, but if you want to follow along with me, I plan to list the addresses of the daily readings, and each suggested daily reading list will include a little Old Testament and a little New Testament. You can break up the readings into morning and evening reading sessions if you wish or just do the readings at one sitting. The only reason I happened to choose this particular reading plan is that it was the very first reading plan I ever followed.

So join me on this journey beginning January 1 in the books of Genesis and Matthew. I will provide the lists to make as you read. I welcome any comments, questions, suggestions, or insights you wish to share with me. In addition to your preferred bible version, you will need something to write with (pen, pencil, crayon), something to write in (notebook, legal pad, back of an envelope), and access to this blog at Consider subscribing. If you prefer, there are several ways to access the bible via the internet. I have used, and I also have an iPhone app. I still prefer holding the actual book in my hands, but it's helpful to have an alternative internet source if I happen to be in a place without my print version.

Check in on January 1 as we embark on a unique spiritual journey together by listing our way through the bible. God bless everyone in 2012.

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